
Natural Green Cleaning: Five Great Grapefruit Cleaning Tips

With its deliciously zesty fragrance and the natural cleaning powers of its fruit and peel, grapefruits are a natural for any DIY cleaning enthusiast. You’ll not only be using fewer harsh cleaning chemicals in your home – and reducing your exposure to same – you’ll be saving money.

#1 – Grapefruit All-Purpose Cleaner
This cleaner works wonderfully on grease, dirt, and particularly on organic stains like food or even wine. Tip: Make it when you need grapefruit juice for some other purpose, since you will only need the peels for this. Or, you can save up the peels as you eat them.

2 grapefruits
2 cups of white vinegar

• Cut away the peel of the grapefruits, taking care to cut only the colored portion, and leave the white pitch.
• Place the peels in a clean jar and pour the white vinegar over them, adding a little as necessary to make sure all the peels are covered.
• Place the lid on the jar and screw it shut tightly. Leave it in a dark, cool area for about a week. You will find that the mixture has taken on the aroma and some of the color of the grapefruit peel. Now it’s ready to use.
• Add to a clean spray bottle, and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:1.
• Now, it’s ready to use anywhere.

#2 -Grapefruit Floor Cleaning Solution
This will cut through grease and dirt on tile and other hard floor types – except wood.

5 teaspoons Borax
5 tablespoons white vinegar
1/2 cup freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
1 teaspoon finely grated grapefruit zest

• Measure all the ingredients into a large bucket and mix together thoroughly.
• Add hot water to the bucket to fill to the top.
• Use with a mop as you would any other floor cleaner.

#3 – Grapefruit Scrub
This cleaning recipe uses the cleaning power of dried grapefruit peels. You can use it the same way you would a commercial scrubbing powder to remove grease and dirt on sinks, tubs, tiles, countertops, shower fixtures, and stainless steel.

1 or 2 grapefruits
3 tablespoons Borax
5 tablespoons baking soda

Step 1: Dried Peels
• Cut the peel from 1 or 2 grapefruits, taking care to only cut the colored portion and leave the white pith.
• Heat the oven to 200°F.
• Spread the pieces of peel on a baking sheet in a single layer and leave it in the oven for 2 to 3 hours. The peel should be thoroughly dried, and starting to curl at the edges.
Step 2: The Cleansing Scrub
• Grind the dried grapefruit peel in a food processor or even a coffee grinder.
• Add the other two ingredients and blend well.

#4 – Grapefruit Grease Solution
This is a handy spot cleaning trick you can use for grease sticking to pots, pans, and dishes.

• Sprinkle a little salt to cover the whole stain.
• Cut a grapefruit in half or quarters, and squeeze the juice right on top of the stain and salt.
• Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
• Use a sponge to wipe it off.

#5 -Grapefruit Stain Solution
Use this as a pre-laundry soak to spot clean soiled linens or clothes instead of bleach – without all the harsh chemicals.

• Use equal parts baking soda and fresh grapefruit juice.
• Mix together to a paste (if it turns into a solution, don’t worry – it works the same).
• Spread over the stained area and leave it for about 30 minutes before washing as usual.

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