
SANTA PAULA, CA – Though some produce staples face difficulties when stormy weather strikes, citrus fruits are more than happy to soak up the rain. I spoke with Alex Teague, Chief Operating Officer of Limoneira, about how the company’s citrus fruits are faring under the current weather conditions and what the market is like.

Alex Teague, Chief Operating Officer, Limoneira

Alex Teague, Chief Operating Officer, Limoneira

“With lemons, we are mid-way through our coastal crop; we finished with the desert and San Joaquin Valley, and are approximately 60 percent completed on our oranges and specialty citrus,” Teague reports.

Though the weather has been tumultuous, Teague is happy to share that neither crops nor distribution have been impacted.

“We had a lot of rain last week, but we always appreciate rain,” Teague explains. “The rain has been light and stretched out, so it has had little effect on fruit.”

Though the lemons on the coast were a little early, and the company is working to adapt itself to react quickly in today’s retail climate, Teague is happy to state that the market is “doing well and continues to climb domestically and internationally.”

source: AndNowUKnow.com


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